Resource Factors of Intellectual Development in Younger Bilingual Students
Будрина Е.Г. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (см. в книгах)
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в журнале - научная статья
Our study aims to analyze the intellectual development of younger schoolchildren and identify the structure of intelligence in bilinguals and monolinguals. In order to define features of intelligence WISC, Toulouse-Pieroni test and Bender test were used. Also educational achievements were estimated. It is shown that under the same academic achievements bilinguals and monolinguals have differences in intellectual development. It was found that bilingual and monolingual schoolchildren have different structure of intelligence. The results of the factor analysis revealed insufficient differentiation of mental functions, "chaos" in the organization of mental experience in younger bilingual and monolingual schoolchildren.
Budrina, E.G. Resource Factors of Intellectual Development in Younger Bilingual Students / E.G. Budrina. // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (см. в книгах). – 2015. – Т. 185. – С. 314-320
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