The nature of creativity: differential-integration approach PDF
Волкова Е.В. Humanities and Social Sciences Review
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в журнале - научная статья
This paper analyzes some facts of manifestation of creative achievements which are difficult to interpret both in terms of psychometric approach and from the point of view of cognitive approach. These facts allow us to take a new look at the nature of creativity. A hypothesis was put forward about the relationship between the emergence of new ideas and the formation of a detailed level of cognitive conceptual structures. The findings showed that the highly differentiated conceptual structures relevant to the object of activities are necessary for successful professional creativity. These structures are a systems factor uniting the properties of the creative person as a whole. The more differentiated and integrated are the conceptual structures of chemistry, the higher is the realization of chemists' creative talents. This relationship allows us to assess creative talent in adolescence and adult age authentically.
Volkova, E.V. The nature of creativity: differential-integration approach / E.V. Volkova. // Humanities and Social Sciences Review. – 2014. – Т. 3. – № 2. – С. 375-388
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