Around 24 000 WoS records in the field of psychology containing the search word abilities and dated from 1975 onwards were analysed to reveal actual trends by the means of formal analysis based on citation count: citation index, co-citation, bibliographic coupling; and analysis of content based on words co-occurrences count: thematic mapping and topic modeling. The main increased trendlines found are developmental deficits in executive functions related to individual differences; personality traits models in relation to professional success and satisfaction; knowledge acquisition, especially math learning and language, in the childhood; methodological issues: meta-analysis, data processing and modeling methods. Topics revealed as downward trends are general intelligence, achievement goals, psychometric tools of personnel selection, spacial abilities in relation to sexual differences, cognitive ageing. Individual differences and performance remain the two stable characteristics determining the domain of abilities while the third characteristic coined by B.M. Teplov seems more elusive: abilities foster knowledge and skills acquisition while irreducible to them.
Sabadosh, P.A. Actual Trends in the Psychology of Abilities: Bibliometric Analysis / P.A. Sabadosh // Natural Systems of Mind. – 2022. – Т. 2. – № 1. – P. 14-30
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