The Way of Learning Preserved in The Structure of Individual Experience Shapes Task-Switching: Implications for Neuroscience and Education
Sozinov Alexey A., Bakhchinaa Anastasiia V., Alexandrov Yuri I. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Task switching is a behavioral phenomenon that serves as a tool for assessment of individual cognitive abilities that becomes especially essential in our multitasking milieu. Factors of task-switching include cognitive load and cognitive effort, mostly derived from task difficulty, as well as age and practice. The analysis of brain activity on the level of single neurons shows that the activations that contribute to task performance and switching differ with respect to the protocol of learning the alternated tasks. We argue that task switching is affected by the history of learning and in turn it changes the structure of individual experience. On this basis we outline perspectives of task switching studies in the fundamental field of long-term memory and applied field of education and therapy.
Sozinov, A.A. The Way of Learning Preserved in The Structure of Individual Experience Shapes Task-Switching: Implications for Neuroscience and Education / A.A. Sozinov, A.V. Bakhchinaa, Y.I. Alexandrov // International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education. – 2021. – Т. 2. – № 9. – P. 291-299
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