The article studies the differences between older adolescents in terms of intellectual competence, conceptual, metacognitive and intentional abilities, depending on the severity of the characteristics of the moral development of the individual. The study involved 90 schoolchildren of older adolescents (15 years old). The methodological base of the study was: “Interpretation of the moral dilemma” (methodological method for assessing the characteristics of moral choices and the level of intellectual competence; indicators of the complexity of the interpretation text were evaluated), “Conceptual synthesis”, “Mood”, “Method for diagnosing the level of reflexivity”, Modification of the methodology “Comparison of Similar Drawings” by J. Kagan. The results of the study show the lack of conjugation of indicators of conceptual (conceptual), metacognitive (voluntary and involuntary), intentional (mentality and beliefs) abilities and characteristics of the moral and moral development of a person in older teens. Such facts probably speak in favor of the insufficient degree of formation of the construct of moral and moral experience of man. The established facts improve our ideas about the moral development of the individual, inspiring us to study the dynamics of this important construct.
CONJUGACY OF MORAL'S DEVELOPMENT FEATURES AND INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCE AND IT'S COMPONENTS В сборнике: icCSBs 2019 - The Annual International Conference on Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences. – 2019. – С. 1-8
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