Гринченко Юрий Васильевич: RABBIT | Библиотека Института психологии РАН

Библиотека Института психологии РАН

Ключевое слово «RABBIT» в публикациях сотрудника Гринченко Юрий Васильевич


Brain Mechanisms of Embodied Decision-Making
Iosifovich Yuri Aleksandrov, Svarnik Olga E., Rozhdestvin Andrei V., Grinchenko Yuri V. 2022 DOI
Switching to a familiar task as reorganization of memory: Evidence from the firing of cingulate cortex neurons
Sozinov A.A., Bakhchina A.V., Grinchenko Yu.V., Zhiganov L.S., Alexandrov Yu.I. 2021
Effect of ethanol on hippocampal neurons depends on their behavioral specialization
Alexandrov Y.I., Grinchenko Y.V., Laukka S, Jarvilehto T, Maz V.N., Korpusova A.V. 1993 PDF DOI
Acute effects of alcohol on unit activity in the motor cortex of freely moving rabbits: comparison with the limbic cortex
Alexandrov Y.I., Grinchenko Y.V., Laukka S., Jarvilehto T., Maz V.N., Svetlajev I.A. 1991 PDF DOI