Ekman's neurocultural theory of emotions assumes a fully consolidated synchronous nature of the action of the components associated with the experience of emotions. The experimental results accumulated to date contradict this hypothesis. Using the example of the interaction of eye movements and the generation of a verbal description of an image, we demonstrate that the processes potentially involved in the experience of emotions can proceed asynchronously, being determined by their own logic of development and determinants. We consider the component theory of K. Scherer to be a relevant way of describing it. In this case, the task of the researcher is to identify the relevant components involved in solving a specific experimental problem and to study the interaction between them.
Zhegallo, A.V. Parallel Analysis of Eye Movements and Verbal Production - Evidence for a Component Model of Perception Emotional Expressions / A.V. Zhegallo // Natural Systems of Mind. – 2022. – Т. 2. – № 2. – P. 65-74
Эффект эмоциональной конгруэнтности заключается в облегчении переработки тех стимулов, которые совпадают по эмоциональной окраске с эмоциональным состоянием самого испытуемого и его эмоциональными чер...
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