The problem of personal's moral development in adolescence is particularly acute in the context of studying the productivity of intellectual activity, that is, conceptual abilities and metacognitive abilities. 90 older adolescents were sampled. Research methods: "Interpretation of the moral dilemma", "Conceptual Synthesis" "Methods of diagnosing the level of reflexivity", "Comparison of similar drawings". The results of the study prove that none of the manifestations of conceptual abilities and metacognitive abilities correlates with the peculiarities of research participants' moral choice. Such data can be explained by the immaturity of these constructs, when they are only at the stage of formation and are not represented in their integrity in the individual mental experience of the individual. The obtained results are pioneering in view of the undetectable links between the manifestations of conceptual abilities and metacognitive abilities and the peculiarities of the moral choice of research participants. The data provided in the article enrich our knowledge of the manifestations of conceptual abilities and metacognitive abilities in older adolescence and inspire us to expand the methods of studying both the concept itself and its components, as well as potential factors influencing this construct. Of particular importance is the study of the manifestations of conceptual abilities and metacognitive abilities in other age periods, to determine the dynamics of the revealed patterns.
Sipovskaya, Y.I. RATIO OF MANIFESTATIONS OF CONCEPTUAL, METACOGNITIVE ABILITIES AND FEATURES OF MORAL SPHERE / Y.I. Sipovskaya // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. – 2019. – P. 843-850
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