ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в сборнике трудов конференции
The existing theories of morality as well as a growing number of empirical studies address the problem of the role of intuitions and reasoning in the formation of moral judgments. In this study alcohol administration was used to selectively influence some aspects of moral decision-making, primarily associated with reasoning rather than intuitions. Subjects (n=25) were presented with a set of moral scenarios including sacrificing one person to save five. They were asked to assess moral permissibility of harmful actions on a 7-point scale in two experimental conditions: “norm” (0.00% BAC) and “alcohol” (1 mg/kg ethanol, over 0.05% BAC) with a time interval of 2-4 months. Control group was tested in “norm” condition twice. It has been shown that alcohol administration is associated with an increased proportion of extreme moral judgments (1-“forbidden” and 7-“obligatory”), especially at utilitarian end of the scale (“obligatory”). However, in norm as well as under alcohol, subjects perceived difference between the basic moral distinctions (action/omission, means/side effect and contact/non-contact). These results indicate that alcohol may be used to selectively influence moral reasoning, leaving intuitions relatively unaffected. Using alcohol to influence cognitive processes may be an effective “tool” in the studies of human social behaviour. These results may assist in practical work with norm violations associated with alcohol abuse.
Arutyunova, K.R. The effects of alcohol on moral judgments / K.R. Arutyunova, Y.I. Alexandrov // . – 2015. – P. 1899
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