Comparative description of consciousness and emotions in the framework of systemic understanding of behavioral continuum and individual development PDF
Alexandrov Yu.I.
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в сборнике трудов конференции
Consciousness and emotions are compared with reference to two "temporal axes": dynamics of realization of a behavioral continuum and individual development. The comparison reveals analogies in their role in the control of activity and their dynamics. Both consciousness and emotion have communicational significance. This similarity is due to the fact that different terms "consciousness" and "emotion" describe one and the same systemic organization underlying behavior. Consciousness and emotion are considered as characteristics suitable for different levels of this organization that are transformed stages of development. Psychophysiological characteristics of the organization of behavior are discussed that correspond to different levels of consciousness and different intensities of emotion.
Alexandrov, Y.I. Comparative description of consciousness and emotions in the framework of systemic understanding of behavioral continuum and individual development / Y.I. Alexandrov // Neuronal bases and psychological aspects of consciousness. : Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics Casamicciola. Сер. Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics – 1999. – P. 220-235
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