Psychophysiological regularities of the dynamics of individual experience and the "stream of consciousness" PDF
Alexandrov Yu.I. Neuronal bases and psychological aspects of consciousness
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в сборнике трудов конференции
The views are formulated on the regularities of formation and dynamics of individual experience developed in the framework of systemic psychophysiology on the basis of ample experimental material. The formation of a new element of individual experience - new system - is considered to be a fixation of a stage of individual development. Behavioral continuum is viewed at as a chain of behavioral acts, the results of which are achieved due to the simultaneous realization of functional systems of different "age", these systems representing the elements of individual experience. This approach to a behavioral continuum made it possible to describe the contents and dynamics of consciousness and to define its levels. The first level of consciousness is related to the stage of the realization of a behavioral act during which the predicted parameters of intermediate subresults are compared with the actual ones. The second, higher level - with the transitional processes of comparison of the predicted and actual parameters of the result of a performed act linked with the processes of organization of a next act. The contents and significance of consciousness are described as an organism's evaluation of its relations to environment at the mentioned stages that depends on the individual experience and results in its updating.
Alexandrov, Y.I. Psychophysiological regularities of the dynamics of individual experience and the "stream of consciousness" / Y.I. Alexandrov // Neuronal bases and psychological aspects of consciousness. : Proceedings of the International School of Biocybernetics Casamicciola. Сер. Series on Biophysics and Biocybernetics – 1999. – P. 201-219
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