The occurrence of frontal midline theta activity (4-7 Hz) was studied in a simulated driving task during consecutive phases of goal-directed behaviour. Electrical activity of the forebrain (Fz) was analysed in a simulated traffic situation in which the subject had to find the correct way to drive a car through a set of roads in a computer game. The occurrence of theta activity was analysed during seven consecutive sections of the game. The results showed that the occurrence of theta activity increased during learning — successful behaviour produced more theta than unsuccessful behaviour. In some sections of the game the percentage of theta was larger than in others. It is suggested that the theta activity reflects relaxed concentration after mastering the game.
Frontal midline theta related to learning in a simulated driving task / S.J. Laukka, T. Jarvilehto, Y.I. Alexandrov, J. Lindqvist // Biological Psychology. – 1995. – Т. 40. – P. 313-320
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