ERP and the system organization of brain activity | Библиотека Института психологии РАН

Библиотека Института психологии РАН

ERP and the system organization of brain activity

Bezdenezhnykh B.N.
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИ тезисы доклада на конференции
ГОД 2014
It is supposed that every behavioral act is the result of the activities of the set of definite functional systems (by P. K. Anokhin) in their interaction (Shvyrkov 1987). These systems got into the interaction during system process of the act called afferent synthesis (AS). The present investigation undertakes to reveal the EEG- correlates of ASs related to the performance of different choice tasks. Subjects participated in the two different experiments with choice reaction time tasks. We used the procedure of increasing the number of active systems during AS that allowed us to reveal the EEG-potentials related to AS. In the first experiment — sensory-motor choice reaction time task — two alternative stimuli were presented in random order and with equal probability. The stimuli were composed of two components — common warning signal (WS) and different determining signals (DS). Subjects had to press the button related to DS as quickly as possible. Because of time intervals between WS and DS were different in these stimuli subjects predicted DS of one stimulus more correctly than another one. With the correct prediction of DS there were active only those systems in AS which would subserve the response on this DS. With erroneous prediction of DS there were active systems in AS which were related with predicted DS and were related with presented DS. It has been found the relation between the number of active systems in AS and property of P300: increasing of a number of systems was accompanied by increasing in negative shift of the P300” s frontal slope. In the task of visual categorization of words subjects were presented in random order with one or other prime word (organism or object) followed by target word denotative the item belonging to organisms or objects. Subjects have to press as quickly as possible one button if the prime and target were congruent and another button if these words were incongruent. In congruent case the systems related to one category of words were activated in AS wile in incongruent case the systems related to both categories of words were activated in AS. The frontal slope of P600 related to categorization was depended on whether the target word was congruent or incongruent to the prime word. When the target word was incongruent to the prime word and there were systems belonging to two different categories of words in AS, this frontal slope of P600 was more negative than when target word was congruent to the prime word and there were systems belonging to one category of words. On the basis of our data and data revealed by Coulson et al. (1998) we concluded that P300 related to response in choice reaction time task and P600 related to quick categorization of words are EEG manifestation of the afferent synthesis in this two different actions.
Bezdenezhnykh, B.N. ERP and the system organization of brain activity / B.N. Bezdenezhnykh // . – 2014. – P. 38-39

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