Data from paleontology, geo- and biochemistry, genetics and other fields of knowledge allow one to consider the communities of the most ancient representatives of living beings, microorganisms, as prototype elements of nervous systems of “complex” animals. Based on geologically early spatial and functional specialization, like the morphological one, a new look on the basic architectonics of brains is proposed. The emergence of communications between individual units and their groups signaled by electrographic data on interaction between the units and the formation of communities cast light on the evolutionarily earliest mechanisms of social relations.
Grechenko, T.N. Before Brains: Spatial Specialization and Communication in Bacterial Biofilms Herald Brain Morphology / T.N. Grechenko, A.N. Kharitonov // Natural Systems of Mind. – 2021. – Т. 1. – № 1. – P. 59-70
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