A research involving 8 middle distance men runners was conducted to study the impact of essential oils and music pieces of relaxation and activating nature, as well as their various combinations on electroencephalogram (EEG) parameters. The odorant stimuli were presented blindly with the random alteration of audio and odorant effects. We showed the character of their impact on the basic EEG frequency bands, identified the particular changes of the hemispheric asymmetry of EEG amplitude indices, defined the nature of their correlation relationships. Statistically significant differences were established for the hemispheric asymmetry of the θ-activity of the parietal region and α-activity in all EEG leads. It was found that the olfactory and musical influence of different modalities have unidirectional effect on the bioelectric activity indices. This EEG response is most likely associated with a common mechanism for implementing the effects of audio and odorant stimulants. It was found that the response to the combinations of sensory effects has different intensity. These data permit the sensory effects to be ranked in terms of their activation level, which makes it possible to purposefully influence the psycho-emotional states. Our findings are the basis for developing the methods and programs of modifying the athletes' functional states.
The Effect of Music and Aromatherapy on the Electrical Activity of Athlete's Brain / A.N. Doletskii, N.N. Sentyabrev, D.A. Dokuchaev, A.A. Matokhina, A.G. Kamchatnikov, A.E. Busygin // Rehabilitation Sciences. – 2017. – Т. 2. – № 3. – P. 54-57
Рассматриваются история и эволюция спорта высших достижений на протяжении ХIХ-ХХI ст.: эволюция его форм, целей, средств, субъектов; обсуждаются некоторые эффекты саморазвития спорта. Затрагиваются те...
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Organisms have specific abilities allowing them to use different parameters of the environment for satisfying their needs and achieving adaptive outcomes. Vision, as one of these abilities, provides t...
В статье проведен анализ влияния состояния микросна на память человека. В начале статьи приведен обзор литературы на тему микросна и памяти. Выдвинута гипотеза, что при состоянии микросна не происходи...