Согласованность процессов дифференциации ресурсов формирования структуры знания PDF
Александров И.О., Максимова Н.Е., Турубар Д.С.
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в сборнике трудов конференции
The hypothesis that coordination between differentiations of resources, involved in generation of relations between components of knowledge structure, is provided by the same means as coordination of components actualization was tested. The supposition is possible that the hypothesis should be rejected if forms of coordination between various differentiations of resources are in uniform dependence of the knowledge structure complexity. Complexity index was calculated as standardized estimate of entropy for distribution of number of connection among the set of components bounded strong order relations into metastrategies. The functions of crosscorrelation between curves represented compared differentiations were employed as indexes of coordination between differentiations of various resources. The proposed hypothesis should be rejected because radically differed forms of coordination were found for relations belonged to different branches of the graph (the tree), that describes generation of relations of various types.
Александров, И.О. Согласованность процессов дифференциации ресурсов формирования структуры знания / И.О. Александров, Н.Е. Максимова, Д.С. Турубар. В сборнике: Ментальные ресурсы личности: теоретические и прикладные исследования. – 2016. – С. 113-119