ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в сборнике трудов конференции
The article is devoted to discussion of musicality as a mental resource. The positive impact of music on a personal, emotional and intellectual development is possible only through the prism of musicality. Musicality is viewed as a multidimensional phenomenon, which unites different levels of the subject's organization. An imbalance in the musicality's structure reduces its resource capabilities. It reduces the efficiency of professional musical activity and the possibility of therapeutic effects of music, and also limits the influence of music on personal development, etc. Musicality and its resource bases are in relation of bilateral influence - mutually enriching each other. This mechanism can explain many of the observed positive effects of musicality. General abilities are developed in the course of musical activity and function better in other non-musical areas and everyday situations.
Князева, Т.С. Музыкальность как ментальный ресурс / Т.С. Князева. В сборнике: Ментальные ресурсы личности: теоретические и прикладные исследования. – 2016. – С. 68-73