О факторах вариабельности вызванных потенциалов, регистрируемых в лобных отделах головного мозга человека | Библиотека Института психологии РАН

Библиотека Института психологии РАН

О факторах вариабельности вызванных потенциалов, регистрируемых в лобных отделах головного мозга человека

Русалов В.М.
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИ статья в сборнике статей
ГОД 1972
Evoked pote nti al s to rhythmic light and sound stimuli (40 lux and 102 db, respectively, with an interval 1,000 msec, of 2 msec duration) were regis tered from the frontal re gions (monopolar, from the left) in 12 subjects. Evoked potentia ls were averaged from 25 presenta tions with the help of a special device “Mnemograph- 1” . 750 light and 750 sound stimuli, to which 30 averaged visu al evoked potentia ls and 30 averaged auditogy evoked potentials were registe red, were presented to each subject. All evoked pote nti als with in each modal ity were described by a row of r.umber s-ordinated and between them coefficients of intercorrelation were calculated. Matr ices of in tercorr el ations were facto r-analysed (by centroid technique) with the aim at revealing the number of factors under lying the variabi lity of frontal evoked potentials. According to the results of factor treatment , the subjects were divided into 3 groups. In persons of the first group the variabili ty of evoked potentia ls wa s determined by one factor, in the second group by two factors and in the third by three factors. The number of factors depended little on the modality of stimuli. It is as sumed that each factor reflects the influence of one of the activating systems of the brain. Cor rela tions between the visual and audito ry evoked potentia ls were also calculated. It wa s found that the n umber of sig ni ficant corr el ations (showing the level of inter-modalit y communali ty ) is inversily r el ated to the number of factors u n d e r lying the var ia bi lity of evoked patentia ls. A conclusion is made th at the study of frontal evoked potentia ls var ia bi lity may be used in further invest ig at ions as an approach towards the revealing of physiological nature of general properties of the nervous system of the man.
Русалов, В.М. О факторах вариабельности вызванных потенциалов, регистрируемых в лобных отделах головного мозга человека / В.М. Русалов. В сборнике: . – 1972. – С. 25-58