An imagery procedure specially developed to study posttraumatic stress disorders-PTSD-and validated beforehand was used to determine the psychophysiological reactivity of workers dealing with the accident at the Chernoby Ipower plant in the process of their imagining their personal traumatic experience. People who had worked in the accident area in 1986-1988 took part in the study. The group was divided into two subgroups depending on whether they suffered from PTSD as diagnosed according to DSM-III-R criteria (the U.S. diagnostic standard for psychiatry). The group with a diagnosis of PTSD consisted of 13 persons; the group without that diagnosis ("normal") consisted of 26 persons. The results showed that, unlike the victims of wartime stress and persons who had suffered from various disasters, the Chernobyl workers with PTSD displayed no increase in physiological activity as they imagined personal traumatic situations involved in their sojourn in Chernobyl. The results indicate that, in the case of PTSD occurring as a result of an "invisible" trauma, there is no heightened physiological reactivity such as is characteristic of victims of traumatic stress of another etiology.
The Psychophysiological Reactivity of Workers Dealing with Aftermath of of the Accident at the Atomic Power Station at Chernobyl / N.V. Tarabrina, E. Lazebnaya, M.E. Zelenova, N.B. Lasko, S. Orr, R.K. Pitman // Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. – 2001. – Т. 39. – № 3. – P. 43-69