Psychological Characteristics of Post-traumatic Stress States in Workers Dealing with the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident | Библиотека Института психологии РАН

Библиотека Института психологии РАН

Psychological Characteristics of Post-traumatic Stress States in Workers Dealing with the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident

Tarabrina N.V., Lazebnaia E.O., Zelenova M.E.
Journal of Russian and East European Psychology
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИ статья в журнале - научная статья
ГОД 2001
Characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorders in persons who participated in work dealing with the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl power plant are examined. The results of a psychological diagnostic study done using a structured clinical interview are described. The characteristics of the workers' subjective perception of the radiation danger during their presence in Chernobyl, the nature of their experiences, and their personal emotional disorders after returning from the thirty-kilometer zone are analyzed.
Tarabrina, N.V. Psychological Characteristics of Post-traumatic Stress States in Workers Dealing with the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident / N.V. Tarabrina, E.O. Lazebnaia, M.E. Zelenova // Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. – 2001. – Т. 39. – № 3. – P. 29-42