Bessonova Yu.V. International Journal of Psychophysiology
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в журнале - материалы конференции
Phychophysiological indicators in strenuous, warm work, its dynamics in different conditions of activity or different organization of information providing are remains one of the most important problems of engineering psychology, ergonomics and medicine. A significant quantity of works are devoted to psychophysiological correlates and indicators of reliability of professional activities, resources and capabilities of the organism and mind. The most informative indicators are considered the dynamics of heart rate and blood oxygenation as reflecting the “cost” of work: activation and investment of resources in carrying of job. However, some questions remain unresolved actually, the subjective causes of development of adverse functional status as job reliability failure for example, as well as the psychological status as the mediation of the external environmental influence or the question about the role of external situational factors and the dynamism of reliability.
Bessonova, Y.V. Psychophysiological criteria of job reliability / Y.V. Bessonova // International Journal of Psychophysiology. – 2012. – Т. 85. – № 3. – P. 372
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