Методология диагностики эстетических способностей PDF
Сабадош П.А.
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в сборнике трудов конференции
Fruitful assessment of aesthetic abilities requires putting together the best aspects of existing techniques. This task implies coordination of conceptually heterogeneous aesthetic judgment criteria, arguments of judgment adequacy, and employed diagnostic procedures. Analysis shows that suitable common criterion of aesthetic judgment is that of expressiveness as being conceptually more universal and definite than the beauty criterion. Implicit criterion refers to aesthetic development, more wide and complex subject than abilities, and requires consideration of age peculiarities while interpreting. Judgment criterion defines the psychological attribute to be assessed; validity of diagnostic procedure relies on test's instructions and stimuli subtleties rather than technique type. There are two valid arguments of judgment adequacy: its conformity to general tendency in the sample group or to expert opinion. Frequently found divergence of these arguments is supposed to be due to the differing understanding of the judgment criterion by naive respondents and experts.
Сабадош, П.А. Методология диагностики эстетических способностей / П.А. Сабадош. В сборнике: Ментальные ресурсы личности: теоретические и прикладные исследования. – 2016. – С. 153-159