Взаимосвязь психологических характеристик посттравматического стресса и иммунологических параметров у больных раком молочной железы PDF
Тарабрина Н.В., Генс Г.П., Падун М.А., Коробкова Л.И., Шаталова Н.Е. Социальная и клиническая психиатрия
ТИП ПУБЛИКАЦИИстатья в журнале - научная статья
This article presents a review of literature concerning the impact of stress on immunity of cancer patients and the results of a research on associations between distress parameters and cell immunity in patients with breast cancer (BC) accomplished by researchers of the Laboratory for Post-Traumatic Stress of the Institute of Psychology RAS and physicians of the chair of oncology and radiation therapy of the Moscow State Medico-Stomatological University. In previous research, the authors have already shown that BC happens to be a traumatic stressor that can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): the condition that fits the clinical picture of PTSD has been found in 24% of patients. These patients demonstrate obsessive thoughts about the disease, avoidance behavior concerning the situations that remind of it and increased physiological response as a reaction to any thought or image associated with the trauma. The patients with high levels of post-traumatic stress seem to show lower values of T-lymphocytes (CD4+). Besides, the CD4+ level seems to correlate with a number of distress parameters such as obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety and psychotic features (a number of correlations concerns also the immune regulation index CD4/CD8). The issue of direct impact of stress on the origin and development of cancer needs further investigations but so far there is evidence that intense post-traumatic reactions, which are observed in some BC-patients, can aggravate the course of the oncological disorder and influence negatively the patients' immune status, thus enhancing the risk of relapse.
Взаимосвязь психологических характеристик посттравматического стресса и иммунологических параметров у больных раком молочной железы // Социальная и клиническая психиатрия. – 2008. – Т. 18. – № 4. – С. 22-28